Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Jaipi say relax, in or out of the garden

Oh man, is it ever hard to relax these days. Even in the garden, right? Society places so much pressure on us to be perfect in every way. Yesterday, I took a deep breath and said, “Jaipi, what the heck are you doing to yourself? You're micromanaging yourself at every turn!” That's just not healthy. Of course, society also tells us we should relax, doesn't it? But no! Because they do it in entirely the wrong way.

Now, I'm going to take you back to my father's garden. He's long gone now, but his ways taught me a lot. He worked hard in that garden, you guys. But he didn't do it because he had to. He did it because he wanted to. He didn't do it for the status quot or the accolades or to show how thrifty he was or any of that rot that our wonderful mass media pounds into your head these days. He did it because he enjoyed it. Yup. You guessed it. My Dad had a gradual garden too.

He didn't worry about what everyone else said he should do with his garden. He took his time and did things the way he wanted. Sometimes he read about how other gardeners did things. But he didn't always do those things. He took that info and adapted it to his slower paced, enjoyable life. Because what's the point in living if you can't enjoy yourself and do it your way and at your own pace?

I think my Dad would have loved my kitty litter bucket garden, you guys. Just saying.

I write a lot of gardening articles. In fact, I have over 6000 articles sitting in my queue right now. I'd say that about a third of those are gardening articles or they refer to gardening in some way. I'm happy to say that those articles are there because I wanted to write them, not because I wanted to be a self made millionaire or some other such nonsense. My garden is there because I wanted to garden and still do. It's not there because gardening is the right thing to do, although it is the right thing for me. It's there for me to enjoy because I do enjoy it.

Anyway, here is my point. Please don't garden just because you have been herded into thinking it's the right thing to do. Please don't do anything because mass media/society/government or even your neighbor or a local master gardener told you it's the right thing to do or the right way to do it. Do it because you love it. Do it because it suits you. Do it because it's how you want to spend your life. And do it YOUR way!

Enjoy your life! You only get one, you know? Stop buying into all those silly little ideas people have about how you should do everything this way or that way, your sheets have to match and by the way, here's how you fold those fitted ones, etc.

You know how I fold my fitted sheets? I don't. I stuff them in the closet and go play in my garden or write an article or a blog post or play cards with the grand-kids or paint or take pictures because that's what I love doing and how I want to spend my time.

And sure, it would be nice if everyone grew their own food. But don't let them fool you. Don't let them tell you that everyone back in the day grew their own food, either. Most did, I guess. But guess what? Not everyone did. That's how gardeners survived. Because even back in the day when things were simple, there were people who didn't have the green thumb or the time to garden. Where do you think they got their veggies? Yup. They bought them from people who loved to garden and were good at it.

Having a garden may not be for everyone. Not everyone enjoys toiling away in the hot sun with sweat dripping into their eyeballs. Just us crazy people. LOL And there's no shame in admitting that gardening is not for you because, guess what? There is something out there that is. Find that something. We need all kinds of people to keep balance in the world.

You're not a loser because you can't garden or write or draw or be a doctor/lawyer/Indian chief or whatever it is that someone has told you that you should shoot for.

But you are a loser if you're not doing what makes you happy in life just because you're following someone elses idea of what you should be doing.

And by the way, it's also OK to suck at what you love doing but keep doing it anyway because it makes you happy. Perfection is not what it's cracked up to be. Your idea of success should not be defined by someone else. It should be defined by you.

You guys, I'm a pretty good gardener. I'm not a great gardener. I'm not a master gardener by any means. I'm also a pretty good writer. I have have no best sellers and that's perfectly OK with me. I'm not a great painter, either. I break all the rules. I use whatever paint, tools and brushes I want to. I'm not an award winning photographer, either. But I take some nice pictures, I write some cool stuff, I grow some tasty veggies, I paint some colorful art and I have fun doing it.

I love my life!

My goal is not to impress anyone or line my walls with trophies. And guess what? Despite that, I am successful anyway. I wake up every morning with a smile on my face and hope for the future. Because my idea of success is to live my life in my own way, in my own time and to feel good about who I am and what I stand for. Who gives a crap what anyone else thinks about anything I do? Who cares if I am never famous or popular or whatever. I feel good about my journey toward being who I want to become. I spend time doing the things I love every single day.

In other words, the gradual garden isn't just something I do in my backyard. It's the story of my life. It's the way I do everything. Because life really is about living, not conforming to someone elses idea of how you should live. Jaipi say relax. Breathe! Take life on your own terms in your own way. And if your way is the same as “their” way, that's OK too. Just try not to lose yourself in the mad shuffle of drones. It's not worth the payoff.

Grow your own gradual life garden. The harvest will be spectacular!

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