Sunday, November 30, 2014

Keeping the garden simple despite my lofty dreams

Browsing seed catalogs makes me hungry for a huge garden!
Yesterday, we spent some time out on the plains with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa loves gardening just as much as I do, probably more. While we were there, the seed catalogs were pulled out, which set my mind to spinning. Oh my gosh, the variety in those catalogs make you want to quit your job and grow the awesomest garden that ever existed.

On the way home, I told Gary that we should just plow up the whole back yard next year and plant, plant, plant. Oh, the fabulous veggies we could grow and sell and give away and taste and nourish ourselves with! We could have berry bushes, grape vines, herbs of all kinds and gorgeous flowers everywhere. We could have pots and raised beds and regular beds and fountains and....

Whoa there. Let's not get carried away. I have Lupus and Rheumatoid, which isn't exactly conducive to gardening on a large scale. I have to remind myself from time to time that more garden means more maintenance. The planting isn't bad. I can handle it. It's getting out there every day in the sun with Lupus that's the problem. Sure, I can utilize shade and sunscreen. Still, a garden like the one I dream of requires at least an 8 hour day of hard labor.

It's just not happening right now. So, maybe I'll just grow a few awesome things each year. Or maybe, I'll grow more variety, but less quantity. Or maybe, I'll buy some awesome lights and garden at night. LOL Only time will tell. One thing is for sure, though. After looking over all the seed catalogs, I will try to grow as much as is humanly possible without killing myself in the process. I just can't help it, you guys. Wish me luck!