Monday, April 25, 2016

The dirt is coming, the dirt is coming!

Yay! Tomorrow, a yard of new, awesome dirt for my buckets and beds will arrive at the gradual garden. I know only a gardener would be thrilled at this. So I guess I'm officially a gardener. But oh crap, I need to get ready because I only want to tote it around one time.

I better figure out exactly where it's going and exactly where the buckets will sit this year. I've given up on covering up the kitty litter buckets for the sake of appearances because, well, to put it bluntly, fuck 'em if they can't handle the sight of my awesome idea.

So maybe I can take them out of the beds and fill up the beds to gain a little more grow space. You know, because I can then fill the beds and the buckets. Problem there is that the beds will no longer be portable. Decisions, decisions....

I also have two already stationary beds that need to be topped off with new soil. And then, there's my hugelkultur piles. They're finally ready for soil as well. If there's any left maybe we can till it into the new corn “field” spot.

I have a suspicion that the hugelkultur piles might have some mouse families living in them. So, I'm a little hesitant to plant food there. I'll probably turn that area into a flower bed. I don't want to exterminate them, after all.

I'm so glad we decided to get the awesome soil, even though the frugal roots in me are still screaming, since it was double the price. I really do have to learn that some things are worth the extra cost. It's hard to retrain a scrounger. LOL The better soil will definitely help the plants.

As an added bonus, the new soil is part perlite and light as a feather, similar to potting soil. So, since we have to cart it to the back yard via wheelbarrow, I know our backs will be thanking us for investing the extra green.

Oh my gosh, you guys, I'm so excited! I'm such a gardener. LOL

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