Thursday, March 3, 2016

Create your own gourmet “fresh diet” from the garden

A few years ago, when the “fresh diet” craze first became popular, all I could thing was, “Oh boy another new diet trend to confuse us all.” What is the fresh diet? Well this was another of those diets where your food was prepared and delivered to you. The difference being, that all the food was certified to be fresh, healthy and prepared by chefs. The average cost of the fresh diet was said to be 50.00 – 60.00 a day.

You heard me right. That's 50.00 – 60.00 a day per person. Celebrities were raving about this diet and no wonder. They were the only ones who could afford it. Now, I don't know if this plan still exists. But don't fear, I can show you how to come up with a fresh diet of your own for much less. Nothing is fresher than just picked garden produce. You don't need to be a chef to toss together a nice fresh diet salad from the garden.

Salad is not the only fresh diet food you can make from the garden either. How about some sauces made from fresh herbs and your own just picked tomatoes? Or what about some fried green tomatoes? Fresh organic spaghetti sauce? Soups? Veggie casseroles? When you are ready for dessert, how about some fresh cut fruit and berries from the garden?

Eating fresh is nothing new to gardeners. We've been doing it for centuries. The fresh diet trend was/is nothing more than another money making scheme. If you want some truly fresh food, home cooking with organic garden produce will blow that “fresh food diet” right out of the water.

The best part about customizing your own diet with fresh foods from the garden is that you know what you like and how you like it. For instance, my pet peeve with fancy chefs is that darn balsamic vinegar crap. Do they have to put it on everything? I'll take my own fresh apple cider vinegar any day of the week. It's better for you too!

Fellow gardeners, I implore you, stop wasting your money on these silly fad diets and gourmet foods. Get back to eating closer to nature. Use your own organic garden produce to create your own fresh diet. I guarantee it will be easier to stick to than the trend of the moment, which has likely been replaced by now anyway. It's also much less complicated, and most likely better for you. After all, isn't that why you're growing a garden in the first place?

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