Monday, July 28, 2014

Things are heating up in the garden

Refreshing! (public domain photo)
91, 94, 95, 96 and 94; These are the high temps for this week! I have tons to do in the garden. There's all that weeding and pest control that I talked about in my previous posts. Plus, things are happening out there! I have veggies to pick, perennials to trim back and wonders to discover.

Umbrellas don't do much when it's over 90.

They block the sun and lower the temperature somewhat. Still, there's not much to be done in 90 degree weather. Now, if the umbrella was air conditioned, that would be wonderful. I could garden all day. Sweet! New invention!

I need a sweat band.

There's nothing sweet about sweat. I'm not talking about the stinky, armpit kind. I wear deodorant for goodness sake (and for everyone elses sake too). I'm talking about the kind that rains down your face when you garden in hot weather. The other day, I actually glanced up at the sky before realizing what it was. Silly me. I thought it was raining.

That made me appreciate those jock type headbands athletes wear to play sports. Gardening may not be a sport but it can definitely generate some sweat. Plus, that stuff stings when it hits your eyeballs. Yup, going to have to make a trip to a sporting goods store.

I'm going to be rising early too.

When it gets above 90, with no sign of relief in sight, the best strategy is to beat the sun to the garden. If I want to get in a couple hours of gardening in the morning, I better get out of bed around 5 or 6 a.m. That way, I can make my partner breakfast, pack his lunch, kiss him goodbye and get to gardening before I melt away.

I'll probably still sweat up a storm.

That's OK. I have about 50 more pounds to lose. I can't think of a better place to lose it than the garden. Can you?

Don't say it. This is a clean blog. LOL

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