Friday, July 22, 2016

Buckets, skirts, flip-flops and a second planting

More buckets?
Lots of stuff going on in the gradual garden today. First of all, I drilled and filled up the last of my kitty litter buckets with the last of my soil today. That necessitated a run to get the buckets in the picture. They were 4 blocks away and free! Can't beat that. I'll be using them for next year's gradual garden expansion. I'll drill drain holes in them tomorrow to save myself time in the spring. Might even get some dirt. I have a little leftover in some starter pots but I doubt it will be enough.

The buckets I drilled and filled today are already in use. Kind of crazy, but both my first planting and my second planting of starter plants went extraordinarily well. So, batch two of peppers, tomatoes and watermelon needed a home and fast! The roots were filling the small pots they were in.

Pretty sure that we're going to be drowning in several kinds of produce this year. That is, if all goes well. We all know how it is with gardens. It's touch and go sometimes. But so far, things are looking pretty good. Can't believe there were no casualties in either planting!

Oh, I almost forgot about the skirts and flip-flops. I've been wearing a lot of them in this stifling heat. So, I discovered another great benefit of bucket gardens. You can bucket garden in whatever you want. Skirts, dresses, granny's nightgown, slippers and flip-flops all work pretty well in bucket gardens. Which is great because it's just too hot for pants and shoes and me in shorts is not a pretty sight these days.

Don't worry. I love myself. I love my life and I love my garden! Just being honest. Have a great afternoon all. I'm off to rest and recuperate from a crazy morning in the garden. Feet up, flip flops hitting floor. Glass of tea by my side. All hail the bucket garden! Friend of the chronically ill, time saver, work saver, etc. etc.

Now if I could just have a bucket house....

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