Thursday, August 4, 2016

Easy green garden pest control – Just vacuum

Back in the 70's, I had a friend who lived in a cockroach infested apartment. It wasn't that way when she first moved in. The bugs came from a new tenant. What did my friend do? The bugs only came out at night. So, she got out her vacuum cleaner and sucked them up in the dark! Then she liberally applied boric acid in all the cracks and crevices.

She did this weekly until all the bugs were gone. Of course, in her case, applying boric acid was the real bug killer. She was just reducing the numbers to a manageable level. Nevertheless, her experience led to the best garden pest control method I've ever used. The vacuum.

Taking it outside:

Inspiration for ecofriendly solutions can come from past memories. My friend was an absolute genius even though she didn't know it. Her method works perfectly as permanent pest control in my garden to this day.

Here in Denver, we get a hefty swarm or two of pesky pests every year. Sometimes it's stink bugs. Sometimes it's grasshoppers. Whatever the case may be, there's a simple, green cure for the garden gobblers. Thanks to my friend, we plug our vacuum in outside and simply suck those critters up.

True, they don't usually survive the trip up the hose. So, it's not exactly a humane solution. You also have to give the vacuum a good blow out, without the bag, so as not to carry any bugs back into the house. Still, there are no pesticides involved. My garden remains green and pest free. It's a pretty simple solution.


It would be even better to use a rechargeable portable vacuum. That way there would be no cord to hassle with. Plus, you could keep that one for outdoor use only.

What's your story?

Anyone else got any crazy green bug control solutions that work? Please feel free to leave your tips and tricks in the comment section.

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