Thursday, June 9, 2016

Happily sweating it out in the gradual garden

It's hard work but it's worth it!
 I may have a gradual garden, but it's hard work, you guys. Plus, I have to limit my sun exposure, so when I do get out there, I have to go all out, in order to get everything done in a timely manner. But you know what? It's all good. Really it is. Because I reap the benefits daily.

For one thing, staying active keeps me healthier. It keeps the Lupus at bay. I'm saddened when I see so many with chronic illness who don't realize that by bowing to their illnesses (by taking it easy) they're actually making things worse. And yes. There are times when I have no choice but to put my feet up. Absolutely. And I understand that there are those who simply cannot move. But for now, I'm glad that I can sweat it out. It's so good for me!

And here's something else about sweating it out. It's a fat melt-er. It's a serious contributor to all the weight I've been able to shed in the last few years. Yes, my journey toward vegan-ism helps. Still, when that sweat rolls down my face, I smile, thinking of all the pounds disappearing like magic.

Know what else goes out with the sweat? Toxins. And certainly, people who exercise regularly seem healthier for a multitudes of reasons. But one of the surprisingly biggest reasons they appear healthier is because they're constantly shedding toxins. Oh ya. Lots of them. And heaven knows, in this world, we could all use a few less toxins.

Anyway, so yes, I'm sweating it out in the garden, even though I'm content with gradual progress. And hey, it's OK. I'm still getting things done in just a few hours a day. In fact, today, I ran to the garden store for supplies, did some supplemental planting, moved a couple things, trimmed some shrubbery and more, all in the space of a few hours to beat the sun.

PS - Ha ha ha You guys, every time I say shrubbery, I think, “Get me a shrubbery.” Monty Python. LOL Gotta love it!

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